Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s form and formalities when he stroke at the head and big mouth of the bad wolf sniffing ans savoring the meal to come were perfect.
Despite ignorance and opinions that may or may not rise in contradiction, Justin Trudeau and Canada and its United Provinces of Canada are the New Kid in the the block and the new Sheriff in Town, even The Leader of the Freedom, Truth and Justice left in the World.
Donald Trump and the USA Lost the world title of liberty and justice for all on February 27 and the keys of the Kingdom and Neither Trump or His VP will ever get them back.
If there is anyone with real authority and power in the executive branch of the US Government it is now in the hands of The Secretary of State Marco Rubin. And all the power and authority that anyone above him in title can use to do anything that is legal, lawful and binding, can only come From the Office of the Secretary of State or be extracted from him.
Justin Trudeau's remarks to the USA people, to The Donald and to his own people in Canada with regards of the dumb, illegal and unconstitutional things POTUS is doing were Just and True. He honored well his calling and is is his very own name that characterless him. It was not a personal or unilateral decision as the fools as Trump often rushed to make. IT was The Government of Canada, the Ministers and Provincial Leadership and the People of Canada seeing eye to eye and singing the same song.
Speech 2.0
“It was not fear,”or the cold air of Canada, his homeland that gripped him, but well thought, wise, patient, enlightened and “a heightened sense of things.” He reminds me me of the titans of the past like King Leonidas of Sparta when he was a boy in the agogue in the 300 Spartan film or at the end of his political and life journey.
And PM Trudeau and his ministers and provincial governors also saw eye to eye and sang the same song. They acted boldly and nobly with politeness yet righteous anger, with moral intellect, and moral courage. They acted decisively and assertively by striking at the head of the serpent and making it retreat and think twice. I even felt the righteous anger of the minster of foreign affair of Canada canalized through her. And make no mistake, when the reasonable Polite Canadians say they will fight and not back down, they mean it. Very few people know their true national colors and ancient origins. Even mighty prophets have come out of both of their crypto national traits. But I am not here to talk about that but about the law.
Let's get physical and if you want also, let us get animal as Per Isaac Newton and also Olivia Newton John.
The Universal Laws of Physics dictate in the third law of Newton that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. And you are watching that law in full effect with verb and force in the words of the Prime Minter of Canada and his ministers and other government associates. It is not only a mathematical certainty; It is the LAW.
Newton's Third Law states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction," meaning when one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts a force back on the first that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction; essentially, forces always come in pairs between interacting objects
Now let's get animal. The Illegal or Unlawful and Despicable Actions that Donald Trump invented to punish us, the people of the United states and that of his closest allies and neighbors, badly backfired on him on the night if his debut and in the day after by crushing the US Wall-street-markets, not once but twice in two consecutive days.
Wall Street Journal knocks Trump over ‘dumbest tariff plunge’
Lauren Irwin
Ups!!! As you may know, The invasion of Syria by Ramses was an accident, but what the USA wrecking ball president Donald Trump is doing to his own Government, to the Nation and to the people of his own country is a national catastrophe. What will Wrecking ball Milley Cyrus the Virus say?
But it is not all Donald Trump, It is the law, even constitutional and fundamental law. You don't move, change or disturb the foundation of any house, much less a great edifice like the US economy as fast as Donald Trump changes soiled boxers or diapers. The very Law that on the 20th of January Trump swore to uphold, defend, protect and execute with hidden intent and evasion of thought, hit him back hard in his own forehead. He had no right to rise tariffs unilaterally without congressional legislative approval and much less without a true national emergency or NSA Threat. He usurped authority he did not have and which belonged to a different branch of government.
And how much it must have hurt
his pride! He did not even say blip about it in his ninety plus minute
same old same old speech when Trup fucked up even more yet again during his joint meeting with congress. He had many cheerleaders there, but like Donald the Duck they had nothing
new and meaningful but empty cymbals of doubtful demagoguery rhetoric
and hatred against half of the entire congress and the people that put
them in office. He recklessly dismissed and alienated half of the US Congress by calling them THESE PEOPLE.
But the devil more often than not, judges by his own condition.
What Happened to WE THE PEOPLE? What Trump Did on his Joint Address to Congress on the day the markets plunged when he Rebuked half of the US Congress when he uttered the words THESE PEOPLE was Hubris. Donald Trump fatally and politically Killed himself, he killed his presidency and became a dead walking and lawless lame duck president because he disenfranchised half of the US Congress, and therefore half of the people of the United States that did not vote for him. Had not Al Green Protested and had all excepted without a bleep the Rebuke, perhaps it would have been fair.
By saying those words THESE PEOPLE to half of Congress Donald Trump became a rogue president who ejected himself from the WE THE PEOPLE US Constitution and everyone else who swore to uphold, protect and defend it. With his contempt for Congress, Donald Trump HE VIOLATED HIS OATH OF OFFICE and exerted powers not given to him by WE THE PEOPLE in the US Continuation.
When God uses those terms or words as a result of our unrepentant sins and abominations he does not do so lightly. God is saying we are no longer his people and therefore absent from his care, guidance and protection. It means, God has rejected us.
Therefore, Donald Trump has rejected an entire wing of the USA Eagle and if he keeps plucking the feathers of his own wings how will the EAGLE take off, fly and not crash?
But he is not alone in these Crime. Donald Trump and the executive branch of the US Government have violated the US Constitution by illegally creating a technocrat gestapo executive agency without congressional votes and approval. Another usurpation of Power that does not belong to the executive branch and therefore the US presidency.
And third, also by appointing non elected and unconfirmed by the us senate federal executive officials as prohibited the the US Constitution, the law of the lad of WE THE PEOPLE was transgressed yet again by Donald Trump.
In additions, they have also broken labor laws big times BY ILLEGALLY firing tens of thousands more federal employees, than illegal immigrants that they can legally detain and legally deport in a month. Donald Trump is fulfilling 2nd Esdras before our very own eyes and one one or more of those heads of the three headed eagle must wake up to the awful situation of the entire US Government, and listen to its own heart for one of the heads went rogue or is infected and too sick.
What a dumb fuck and sick son of a bitch will do that? How is advising Donald Trump? Pardon my redundancy. But Is it an autistic lunatic X Dingo with ADHD called Elon Musk or the commerce secretary? ? But please, don't believe my lying eyes; I am not making this shit up, look for yourselves. Isn't that a an autistic or Lunatic X Dingo who crashes more rockets than North Korea Rocket Man? That dingo is neither right in the head nor in his eyes. Genius my ass.
Elon Musk is a fake it until you make it trial and error great pretender. Oh, yes, HE IS A GREAT PRETENDER as in the Dead Queer, Freddy Mercury Song. And so is Trump. They both were their MAGANAZI pride, tariffs, wrecking ball and their gestapo chainsaw like a crown.
The 28th of February 2025 is a day that shall remain in infamy forever in the USA foreign policy Debacles. On that day, Donald Trump was patronizing and bold in pointing the straw of hatred in the eye of Zelensky against a real existential threat and murderous enemy to his country, but Trump forgot to remove the beam of hatred and baggage of resentment against his political opponents when he rebuked them and called the Democrats THESE PEOPLE.
Where is the ART of the DEAL? Who is the one that does not have the cards? With half of the US Congress Saying NO or inactive as if fired also but Trump, but with pay, it is an ENDGAME or a Game that never happened.
How can Andy Cap Put them UP Trump blindly picking a fight with every dog that barks at him will ever reach any destination? How can he says he wants peace; be a peacemaker between belligerent nations in the world when he has great contempt, resentment and hatred against his own congress and all political opponents? Is not that hypocritical? Does not he needs to make peace with his political opponents at home first?
Did not Jesus Christ said to the whitewashed sepulchers and hypocrites of his time that we need to clean the inside of the senate plate or vessel first and that then the outside shall be
Will anyone other than Andy Cap Trump and Billy Wet Couch JD
Vance eat in a dirty plate or drink from a dirty cup just clean on the
outside and not the inside? We have slum scum as president and a hill billy wet couch white trash in the white house; don't you think? Isn't ti weird?
These imbecile costume dressed politicians even tried to embarrass Zelensky about his attire, but it was him who embarrassed them when he told them clowns that after the war is over he would also wear a more expensive or perhaps even cheaper costume than theirs.
just learned today that all Unilateral US Tariffs that Donald Trump
has executed are illegal except during an Emergencies of a National
Security Threat; that does not actually exist. He used the pretext of
fentanyl as if any of them hypocrites actually cared about the fentanyl
junkies and other drug addicts. And also that the appointment clause to create agencies or appointments as he please is unconstitutional. These assholes have no idea the catastrophic damage they are creating to the United States and to WE THE PEOPLE, but in GOD I madly hope, here I will show you.
for tax rates increases inside the United States as well as to legally
impose tariffs on any US importer or foreign exporter, congress is the
one authority that has to do it, not the US President. IT is Trump who is playing cards with the lives of millions people and with WW3. He is making more geopolitical enemies than Hitler.
It appears the the US president went Rogue and that the US Congress is also neutered. If that is the case? the last line of Defense left of WE THE PEOPLE is the SCOTUS and the Judicial System. It is there where we must take all these constitutional issues before they also disappear as one of the Ezra's Eagles' Heads or as plucked the feathers. There is an ongoing coup taking place and nobody a rising hell about it as they should. By what Donald Trump is doing; from the first batch of federal employee firing, there should have been a great discomfort and a rise of Labor against capital.
Because if these people cannot be ruled by law, it has to be ruled by justice and judgement. And if we lose the courts also, with all the firing of US prosecutors, benching off lower court judges; the only law left we have is the LAW OF THE LION or the law of the Strongest which is AN AYE for AN EYE and A TOOTH for A TOOTH among the most righteous left.
And where among the wicked, when the judgements of God and their sin catches up with them, it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished. If so, with Donald Trump or ever since he came to the scene, AMERICA has not become any great at all. As a matter of fact, fact is has been downgraded to reprobate and has also morally DEGENERATED. The USA is in the slippery slope and going from shoe to flip flop and from flip flop to bare feet in just a matter of two or three presidential elections. Very soon their skirt will be lifted and her nakedness and shame will be seen. And when that happens, she will have to descend to the dust and show their ass and tits as those they found here over five hundred years ago.
And when the Executive or any of its departments or core agencies both at the federal and at the state level start mandating and legislating and putting them in order the courts instead of the courts ordering them, do we have a country and a US Government anymore or a Banana Republic as the ones they created south of the border? Let us WE THE PEOPLE see how the United States likes the taste and side effects of their own medicine.
And this is that this administration is doing when institutions start making unilateral and oppressive rules and regulations such as illegal arrests without a proper warrants as The Hellfire Czar, the Bull Dog and ICE and DHS are doing.
When Individual states such as Texas and Florida and their governors and legislatures are legislating on immigration issues it is a federal crime for those are powers denied to them by the US Constitution. the tenth amendment of the US Constitution says so. They are pissing off outside the basket with their hateful laws.
When they are legislating on disproportionate loss of liberty punishments and excessive penalties for undocumented immigrants and the strangers; and even tourist based solely on skin color and national origin is a Federal and also of the State discrimination crime. These are also unconstitutional laws and crimes pertaining to disproportionate, excessive searches, seizures and punishments which discriminate one flesh over the other. In the United States Constitution of WE THE PEOPLE there is liberty and justice for all flesh, even that of a queer and a steer, a dingo and a duck.
These are serious Crimes such as Ron DeSantis and the State of in Florida and Decrepit Abbot in the state of TEXAS which are matter out of any governor's league and of any individual states' competence and jurisdiction. They and their bought sheriffs are like Common Purpose NGO's going about jerking their heads doing evil beyond authority. These stupid people with their nincompoop and corrupt lawyers and legislators are laying the foundation for the destruction of WE THE PEOPLE. Why don't you fuckers give us back our guns back and we will put an end to your misery. Because when your enemies come and put a military boot to rape your ass, WE THE PEOPLE will just seat back, relax, drink coke and eat popcorn and do nothing. We will only act in our defense when you all and your little are crashed against the rock as those DC and PA planes and wasted.
And when national registries and domestic or foreign encampments or prisoners for illegal immigrants as that Bwitch and broom stick Cristi Noem is doing with resentment against Native Americans and hate against the alien or the strangers and even snow bird tourists is evidence and testimony of just a few of their high high and unconstitutional crimes. Benjamin Plumbing, stop laughing and rolling in your grave showing us your plumber's butt, where did the United States of America go?
And this country going down the drain like that makes the USA is for grabs for any strong an capable foreign adversary such as Russia and China, for it is them of the US Executive Branch who are weakening our branches of government,our agencies and our institutions. These People are destroying and tearing apart the nation of WE THE PEOPLE.
And if that wasn't enough, by the US Justice Department Secretary being the Lawyer of Son of A bitch Donald Trump and the President of the United States; instead of WE THE PEOPLE; it is going beyond authority and a flagrant usurpation of authority and power from the US Congress. This is why I have no respect whatsoever by that pimped bitch Pam Bimbo. Her tits and ass are clogging her brain when Trump grabbed her by the pussy.
The Justice department is NOW persecuting and firing people for doing their job as a favor to Trump and not for WE THE PEOPLE. And that was it; the very authority of Congress was usurped by the US
President. And the hypocritical legislators and so called lovers of law and order carrying his
illegal orders did not even notice the specter During INAUGURATION, was that Capone's Black Book of bought politicians, judges and prosecutors? It was not presidential, it was an American Gangsters Usurpation of Power and the Seat of Government Ceremony by a secret combination.
Smooth Criminal
Donald Trump has yet again violated his oath of office or never made it in the first place as 47 as he dis as 45. And if so, he is not Legally a POTUS. As you see, TRUMP finally also became an Illegal, like Obama and like Biden and like the illegal immigrant community. What they hated more, they also became, THE ILLEGALS!!!
In any case; it is no mystery, the US Constitution and the laws that Trump swore or perjured himself to uphold, protect, defend the laws to execute, he is deliberately attacking. He thinks he is going to get away with murder, but is he?
For by attacking the US Constitution trying to abolish birth right citizenship, by entering homes and business establishments without a true warrants, by legislating as a dictator and autocrat by his own will and fiat along with his ministers mandating without congressional authority a national registry of all undocumented immigrants 14 years old and older that have been in the country for over thirty days, or face five years of imprisonment and $5,000 in penalty that can be erased if they allow themselves to be deported when there is no such a law discriminates, disproportional punishments based solely on race, national origin and immigration status breaks many laws in itself.
Who do you call to arrest these criminals? is there a 911 for this shit? With so many lawyers judges and prosecutors can no one see this shit and consider these things? Am I the only blind person in town crying in the wilderness? When will the Media catch up as they did with Nixon?
The answer my friends is
blowing in the wind
The answers my friends is we call upon GOD to Avenge us, to Sanction and to Execute the affected, violated and all operant Laws. That is Natural Law, The Laws of Nature and The Laws of Math and Physics to do their own thing.
These facts and many others like the indiscriminate unauthorized dissolution or Government agencies such as USAID and the US Department of Education. Plus the firing of federal and other protected and essential employees of we the people buy a rogue Government department that Congress did not even create and which apparently has more power to hire and fire than the US President and all his appointed and confirmed minsters.
And yet, as if it were not enough, such criminal and treasonous and treacherous actions are being enforced by an unelected technocrat and oligarch is indicative that Donald Trump, the US President is neutered, deranged, incompetent and compromised. Any action he unleashes with an equal and opposite response will fire back at him and brings the very opposite response madly he hoped for. He can rise tariffs to any of the 182 plus nations in the world and if they do not do more or less, but the same as he did, the many will always prevail against the few in this case as it should be by the law. And the truth and the law shall make WE THE PEOPLE free. Things are getting HORIZONTAL HARD if you know what I mean,
Olivia Newton John
Making good conversation
I gotta handle you just right
You know what I mean
I took you to an intimate restaurant
Then to a suggestive movie
There's nothing left to talk about
Unless it's horizontally
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
I've been patient, I've been good
Tried to keep my hands on the table
It's gettin' hard, this holdin' back
You know what I mean
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view
We know each other mentally
You gotta know that you're bringin' out
The animal in me
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk, ah
Oh, let's get physical, physical
I wanna get physical
Let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk
Let's get animal, animal
I wanna get animal
Let's get into animal
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk
Let me hear your body talk, ah-ah
Let me hear your body talk (Your body talk)
Let me hear your body talk
We have an ILLEGAL President in the United States of America and it is not the first, or even second, but the third consecutive times in the past four administration. Even the little son of Elon Musk knows that when the told Trump in the Oval office, you are not the president, go away.
And everyone in authority in the whole US Government is ok with this? We don't even know who is the real Commander in Chief of the United States right now because every dingo that barks from the white house gives unclear and uncertain orders in the Executive branch of the US government and to the federal employees of WE THE PEOPLE. Let it sink in and say to yourselves what is wrong with this picture?
But that is not all. And even though Prime Minster Trudeau is not in the habit of concurring with the Wall Street Journal, the PM of Canada saw another great threat to Canada and his people. He saw by individual and personal actions of Donald Trump and his useful idiot puppets, the danger to US and the people here in the US and in Canada. And besides Russia and China, who is most attentively listening?
With great power comes great responsibility and that is a lesson Donald Trump and Elon Musk or even Kennedy never learnt. A close friend is better than a far away brother. And when you close the doors to your friends by law or by force, you open them to your enemies. Because Trump is burning all the bridges he can among his close neighbors and friends, all the friends he will have left are is enemies, Russia and China and North Korea and Iran to name a few geopolitical entities. And what happened to Cuba when the USA and the free world close their doors to Fidel Castro, he had no choice but to get all the help he could get from the enemy. USA preferred to defend the corrupt gangsters and US filthy merchants that had trashed Cuba and its people and choose friends over justice. And as Cuba is now, the USA will be if they are not wise.
I am not polite and nice like PM Trudeau. Money is not everything you bitches! You can shove it; and if you want my ass, you will have to eat the peanuts of my shit first. My profession does not give me room to be a respecters of persons. And if you want my respect, which is what you lack off, earn it because you cannot buy it as Napoleon Bonaparte said to the Anglo Saxons when he said to them, every man fights for what he lacks.
But Justin Trudeau heard the voice of his righteous calling, like Napoleon and stepped forward to warn us with neighborly love and to reasonably and politely call the attention of Conrad Trump, The Fake President of the United States that Canada will not be the US 51 state nor put up with his tariff shit silently and without equal and reciprocal reactions.
But that is not all, Donald Trump is ruling by Man's law or by instinct, by delusion, and superstition and not by the constitutional laws of the land. He cannot deal with his won cognitive dissonances. He himself said it that he is a very superstitious man. And when that happens, natural law and the laws of nature are also sanctioning the crimes of the US Government against the people for attacking and violating the US Constitution, the living will and testament of the fallen against all those who swear to defend it but have perjured themselves.
Little they know of the death and destruction that will catch up with their sin; and the anguish and misery that will fall upon the people. They have no Idea of the Terrible Power of a Constitution grounded by Blood and bound to the power of heaven by a solemn oath.
That Precious and heavenly inspired Constitution the founding fathers left us is a very deadly power generating machine. Can’t they and you all see that the US Constitution, is grounded by blood to the earth and all its elements? And it is also substantiated and bound to the powers or heaven by one and a great many solemn oaths in the presence of God, Angels and These witnesses?
And even though Donald Trump will mock us and our dead, and try to destroy the US Constitution; by its own power neither the constitution and much less God will be mocked without serious local and national sanctions, judgements and other retributions. The Trump is deliberately destroying the United States from within and Putin is happy go lucky as never before.
I am as afraid of the great power of the US Constitution as of the fatal consequences of breaking the commandments of God or worse. As any man or even lawful priest, bishop or prophet of God with filthy hands trying to steady the ark of God lest I or they or anyone and even the US president falls like a tree falls when smitten by the vivid shaft or lighting. Not only Perez-Uzza and other priest of the temple in Jerusalem entering the Holy of Hollies perished that way by the shaft of lightning, but a few good US Presidents also like Lincoln, McKinley and Kennedy.
God has said in Amos when Judging all nations, for three transgressions and a fourth, he will not withhold, deter, deviate or mitigate the judgement.
God is not only speaking in Amos about the national crimes of nations, but also against our personal sins or breaking thee and a fourth of his ten commandments which are his standard for not only his people but for all peoples. His ten commandments are not merely old school rhetoric, good ideas or suggestions as some erroneously think and teach. The ten or thirteen commandments of God are the very constitution of life in this world and in the world to come. It is the least he expects of us all if we desire to live in peace with him and with our neighbor in this his earth and in your world. Try breaking the least of them or even any four and see what happens.
But as you WILL SEE and feel, God did not speak in AMOS specifically about his ten commandments that he gave to us his people, or just the sins of Nations as he spoke to Amos and Jeremiah. Or not only as we also know now, about the US or any Constitutional Republic, kingdom or Islamic or even a communist, democracy or communist people; but also about natural law; the laws of nature; the laws of the universe, and even the laws of Physics and other mathematical certainties among others. For is you cut the trees of or around the hilled cities too much, when the winds blow, the raind and the floods come, those hills will be eroded and that city will slide, fall, sink and be no more as or faster than the titanic of the oceans.
As you my friends and foes see in the developments that led to the breaking apart and sinking of the titanic, the Devil is not and never was and never will be in the details, but GOD alone is. The stone that the builders forgot to consult with, which they disallowed and rejected when they built their temples, cities, kingdoms, MAGA governments and even ships and said that no one or even God could destroy or sin, like the Titanic, has become the cornerstone. And whosoever falls upon it will be broken into pieces, and onto whosoever that stone falls will be grind into dust and ashes.
This is what happen when governments work for their own interests, for special interests and for WALL STREET and not for main street. And when they all stick it to the little guy and WE THE PEOPLE as The Wolf of Wall Street Film and Marco Rubin said.
This administration has already broken at least three cardinal rules which are first, isolating the USA from all its allies and friends which are Europe, Canada and Mexico. He did with with the help of the VP who went to Europe to criticize and to Rebuke them as the wet couch and white trash hill billy he is. And also on the 27th and before of February when they both fucked up big time by bullying like cowards and punks they are their guests ending with Zelensky. This does not just weakens the national security of the United States but also its soberness and credibility.
Secondly, by rushing like a drunkard, blindsided and picking street fight with his neighbors unilaterally and illegally raising tariffs. What incorrigible dumb fuck and son a a bitch prefers to listen to the deeds of a shot dead king of tariffs president like McKinley than to his own living commercial advisors, investors and industries, his close neighboring countries and allies? No wonder why those who make themselves kings get shot and die. Let the dead come to his rescue of the dead if they can.
And third, by siding with universally perceived enemies and other predator powers, belligerent, commercial and others wise; and by attacking and violating the US Constitutions, breaking the law by illegally displacing employees, by persecuting and oppressing the strangers or the alien, by letting the criminals go free and punished and preferring or using as pretext the junkies than the rest of us. All we are already a runway ship like the Titanic with its captain asleep rushing to our own destruction from within.
All need is one iceberg or own more fuck up with any constitutionally protected law, such as fucking up with the press and our free speech or of any other fundamental nature; and we will stumble and fall, crash to rise no more. And it is because the builders rejected a very set of special details, their maker, and WE THE PEOPLE who have the reserved power to revoke, to reverse and to destitute anything contrary to the US Constitution as it was originally given.
When the constitutional guarantees of any state are violated and lost; one has no option but to abandon that state and go to another and join them. This is what Fidel Castro and The Sandinistas did. And this is what happened during the American civil war and what will happen yet again. What is awful about this situation is that not every one chooses their friends or their enemies wisely. This is also the same thing that happened to Zelensky and Ukraine and also Europe. They chose a brother far away rather than a friend near by. And their far away brothers treacherously betrayed them all. And it all started with Obama or many years before.
And ad we have seen even since the Obama and Biden Administration and even NOW, bot the UNITED STATES acted and is acting, and also the STATES Respectively, by powers not given to them by the US Constitution. Therefore, NOW WE THE PEOPLE, are the only Legit POTUS and GOVERNORS of our own destiny, for they are operating decapitated of an constitutional authority and therefore have no power.
AND Breaking three and a fourth protected amendments of the US constitution by any government official in power, will unleash, it if hasn’t already, a terrible sequence or chain of events that will precipitate the next apocalypse.
it will come first by natural law, and by the laws of nature and the fury
of and convulsion of the elements which hell has already been activated
and only now have began to pour. And such apocalypse will culminate in a
great damage to the White House, to the US Government, to the nation at
large and affect for worse the lives of a great many peoples at home
and abroad until the whole land is filled with blood, death and
destruction from all sides and dimensions as in the Palisade and North and South Carolina fires. Or as the Florida Hurricanes and Floods in diverse places and as the Winds and Storms in Texas. And that is just the beginning. Sooner or later something will give in and break. And sometimes all it needs is an extra straw in the camels back to break the banks of we do not measure the risk versus the reward or the right cure for the deadly wound.
God will NOT be mocked by false swearers and by the lawless officials
in power without coming out of his hiding place to our aid and in his fury and in
his wrath vex the nation with catastrophes and with cataclysm of high impact
magnitude and amplitude. And with raging winds; with great fires; with
ravaging storms and with market crashes; with famine; with pestilence
and with the sword just to name a few judgements of God. And all this in accordance to
all the national sins and crimes of nation, tongues and peoples and by the sanction of any operant law they challenge or break.
if our constitution is harmless and ineffectual while it is a living
testament, but once the testators are dead. And many of them are since
1776, and the law has been sealed with blood and testimony; it is in
full force and effect. Even if the judge, the governor or Neither
the President, Congress or the SCOTUS can do or even God do anything to
stop it or avert it, lest he ceased to be a God. Can I repent in the middle of an imprudent, misguided or deliberate fall and go back if I jump from a building or reach the point of no return and avoid crashing? Will not the pertaining laws of physics gravity take over? Did Chavez and Maduro with all their good intentions and socialist dreams or delusions prevent their economy and society from collapsing and crashing?
And it is not an if
anymore, but when that happens, The Great Old Party Ship and also the US
Government and its nation will break and sink to oblivion as fast or
faster than the Titanic. The United States of America will not be united
anymore. It will be broken just like the UNITED KINGDOM OF ISRAEL under the reign of Rehoboam. The higher you climb, if you are not careful, the higher is the fall. And even eagles full of feathers know this.
President George Bush Senior knew it and said it that to maneuver the
affairs of the world and the nation from the United states needs to be
by small turns and checks; and never with sudden or desperate moves.
Because not only fools rush in to their own destruction but Delusional US
Presidents do too when they ignore the LAW.
fool and stupid is Donald Trump and his REGIME is. It is hubris, a
fatal flaw in ruler-ship and government affairs administration as well as
for hegemony and clear and present danger national security reasons. Without half of congress, even before his joint meeting to dislodge them, he has been ruling with one extended wing mainly by executive orders like a dictator and wants us all to thank him early on for doing nothing. It is no different than punting a X or a thumb with ink. That's is all he is doing and for what he campaigned. He is a lawless man. Law and order is just a wonderful, sophisticated and pragmatic phrase. For the Devil is more devilish when respectable; and when he wears a tie and seats in the seat of George Washington. Just like The filthy Jews in the time of Christ sat in the seat of Moses and as The Christians now call themselves christian in name only but as the dare devils they are, they don't do what Christ did.
Donald, has and is doing exactly, as if by the Book what Rehoboam, the
king that replaced King Solomon did right before the United Kingdom of
Israel was irreparably divided in his early days.
Rehoboam, in his early Government days, after he ascended to the throne of David his father, his united kingdom was torn apart and divided, losing 90% of the Kingdom until it all the twelve glorious tribes of Israel were taken, expelled and deported and destroyed almost to the point of extinction in a three thousand year old and ongoing diaspora.
Like Rehoboam, Donald Trump did not listen to his wise, aged and experienced father’s advisors sound advice when they told him that he easy the tax burden and servitude tariffs of his people. And by so doing gain their trust, love, their respect, their support and their favor.
But what the son of a bitch son of the king did was the exact opposite. He replaced his father’s wise advisors and the most experienced and respected generals with his unelected X Dingo and young fuck face one track minded buddies.
And not only that. Rehoboam rushed to issue a boastful public and shameful statement to his old father’s advisors and to all the people of his kingdom who were in shock and awe and appalled when he said to-them all that his little pinky twink was bigger, thicker and harder than King Solomon, his late father’s dick. And by so doing he disrespected his fathers and offended God no different than Donald Trump who now has, and who has done next to nothing for the people of the United States.
Trump thinks and also boasts that his dick is longer and his balls bigger than George
Washington’s Fatherhood Monument on the fourth of July 1776. Who is feeling his ego and pride with lies like the emperor with no clothes? He is the one disrespecting the nation and the
memory of our founding fathers and shaming and alienating away
permanently half of congress by addressing to them; and to half of the
voters of the United States, their supporters as THESE PEOPLE. Which is a
vindictive act of insubordination and rebellion against WE THE PEOPLE;
and the Entire United States and its duly elected representatives. He is signing as the news media pundits say, signing with many or even one wrong executive orders his very own death warrant.
Where is Congress when you need one? And for doing this after a proper judgement is issued and executed, Donald Trump is guilty before God, Angels, and these people guilty of treason and worthy of death by hanging or shot to death against the wall. For he has divided the nation and caused irreparable damage to the Sanctity of Office of the US Presidency: To both houses of Congress and to the Government of The United States. For by so doing after a solemn oath; and also by siding with the enemies of the united states rather than with his life long friends and allies, and by voiding legal contracts and b plucking his own wings feathers, Trump has proven without the shadow of reasonable doubt one or the other, to be an enemy of the state and of the people or to be mentally and emotionally incapacitated and out of his hinges. IN any case, he has no place in the US Government. Again, where is Congress when you truly need one? No president or high ranking traitor and official can be hung unless impeached?
The arrogant slum scum son of a great whore, witch and sorcerer, Donald Trump thinks and insinuates directly and indirectly that he is the Best US President ever even greater than our first founding father who fought and bleed for his countrymen and not for his own pride and glory.
Donald Trump should humiliate himself and bend the knee and thank God that not many people know these facts. And also that we are not the French nor we live around the French Revolution, for he has betrayed his nation and broken his oath or never made it in sincerity over the Bible and before God.
Had Donald Trump been living in the days of Dante, who deserved to be put in the plank to be executed by hanging or decapitated without a formal trial; the same judgement hung like a great bulls eye target in the body and person of Donald Trump and he dies not even know it.
Listen up, US Department of JUSTICE, Secret Services, FBI, CIA and DNI and anyone to whom it may concern; I am here NOT
threatening anyone that does not have it coming, for I am no
prosecutor, lawyer or executioner or a lawless one.
God and the Law of The Land, the US Constitution, in absence of justice, common sense and reason and other inadequacies, is here the Claimant, The Victim, The Prosecutor, The Judge and the Executioner.
And Justice and Judgement will come, yes it will come, by natural law, by the unleashed laws of nature, or if needs be, by heaven direct Judgement and sentencing or God will cease to be God. And we all already know that is deluded and wishful thinking for the lawless, but that is not happening, for there is a God and there is THE LAW.
Never forget and We Never Forgive
when God strikes, he does by Anonymous Characters or rented javelins like William Munny of Missouri did to Little Bill and his gang of thugs, from the film Unforgiving. And also as with a legion, Gods strikes men, women and children and anything that walks or crawls one time or another as you saw in the NC Floods and in the Palisades fires.
Or also directly by his own power when anyone with filthy hand dares to try to steady
the ark of God with filthy and criminal hands, that man, be it Trump, a
Judge, a Senator, a legislator, a Prophet, a Bishop or Pope any other
of his ministers, friends, supporters or associates, will fall like a
tree falls when it is smitten by the vivid shaft of lighting or as it
happened to Peres-UZZA or even Joseph Smith, The Prophet or as Avraham
Lincoln, McKinley and to some of the Kennedys and many others in ancient
and ancient and modern history who were never avenged. Some where true martyrs, but not all.
some of them were martyrs and rightly so, but most of them were guilty.
They deliberately broke the law and violated in more than three
instances of law the US Constitution, and by so doing they
unjustly affected for worse a great many lives, angered and endangered a lot of
People. And from there natural law and the laws of nature took over. By the evil that is in the natural man, these two are the most hated people. Trump and Musk int he arena right now.
This is why, yet again, Like the Beast and The False Prophet, Donald Trump and Elon Musk are some of the most hated men in the world right now despite of what some people and the delusional themselves say about themselves.
But nonetheless, all or them without exception were accused, judged and prosecuted on Earth or in Heaven by someone under proper authority, and these men died and also women usurpers of power and authority like Jezebel fell and died, even like a tree when smitten by the vivid and resounding shaft of lightning or a rented gun and bullet which is the same.
And at last, but not least as it will also happen to the wicked one, to lawless one, to the man of sin, and at the Devil and False Prophet inside him or or her and them. at the Brightness of The Lord’s coming. And will be cast into hell or some body of water or against the rock or the paved road, in the public square, theater or arena and even into hell while they are still alive which is a far worse death.
by this and much more that I want to, but cannot write and reference
here, for I have seen, heard and even read extensively; now you also
know as I know and as God knows, that the US President Donald Trump, as
Biden and as Obama also did, illegally occupy the White House. And
lawfully and legally, Donald Trump disqualified himself. He is not fit
for duty due to past impeachments; for High Crimes, for Treason and
Misdemeanors as any gangster and hardened criminal or worse. The president of the majority congress said it himself even int he presence of Trump that Trump is a hardened Criminal and pointed toward him with his thumb or whip. IT is the LAW speaking while his lips were kissing his ass and sucking Trump's dick. I bear witness, I saw it and heard it and so can you. This is Natural Law and the Laws of Nature at Work. See and hear for yourselves here and here coming to pass what the speakers said when they falsely impute crimes to the immigrant community and let the real criminals go free because of their money.
Speaker Johnson Hardenned Criminl Comment
After all he has this far done and continues to be allowed to be done; has now become like the police captain in bed with organized crime drug dealers and boastful thugs in the Scarface film. And who was shot dead on the spot without even expecting it; like a fitly and insignificant cockroach that contaminates and brings about, pestilence, disease and death.
I am here like Frank Sinatra just singing, saying or stating without my voice and without my lips what most of you and many around the world, already think and truly feel, but are fearful and do not have the moral courage or the moral intellect to say it clearly, boldly and loudly, yet without even opening my mouth. And as I live and as God lives I know that by UN-uttered free speech or by so doing, lie the press, I do not break a bruised reed, not do I put out the fire of a smoking reed or break any law.
I am not one of those lawless and rioting so called, oath keepers. I am just doing my job like my grand father who was a presidential palace guard and arrested the president who when visiting in the cover of night one of his mistress whom he charged for breaking and entering, and for immoral conduct. This errand is of many missions and jobs that that I have, defending as I swore when I became a US Citizen, the Constitution that empowers me against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
And as you may also see and comprehend now, There is no excellency and honor whatsoever in Playboy Donald Trump. He is shitting himself as we speak in the Sanctity of the Office of the US presidency.
Donald Trump needs to pray and supplicate to God to forgive him before he takes the place of Atlantis and the whole world falls upon him and makes of him dust and ashes.
I omit with contempt the name AMERICA from the name of the UNITED STATES often because America is the name of a street prostitute or what The United States of America has become with bitches like Obama, Biden and Trump who sold her to domestic and foreign geopolitical enemies.
If you want to know the truth, and if God is true and does not lie, he said that the first shall be as the last and that the last shall be as the first. Here are the truth the facts that do not allow me to lie even wanting.
George Washington
the first POTUS was George Washington and he was followed
consecutively or shortly there after by a Man named Jefferson, so was or shall
be in the last days of Glory and Greatness of the United States. And Obama, Biden or Donald Trump are even among or in between them.
Thomas Jefferson
Symmetrically, the one president before the Last of the US was a son of Jefferson or a Man named Jefferson also surnamed Clinton who was shortly followed by or succeeded by a a son of George Washington Named George W and as his father also surnamed Bush.
Those last men that I just mentioned, each from both US political parties respectively where the last lawful and Legals US President. After them we have had something else or usurpers.
And ever since George W Bush, Obama, Biden and Trump are all unlawful and Illegal presents, not of the United states, but of the Great Whore and foreign street prostitute America the Voluptuous Bimbo, America the Lovely the Beautiful and America The Great Whore of Donald Trump and his godless and faithless Main Street MAGA bitch in bed with the Republican Party and with Wall Street instead of with the US Main Street. To hell with them, and since hell is their favorite word as per Trump’s Bull Dog Tzars and Triple X Dingos, it is hell that is coming and will continue to come upon them.
All these NAZI and racist fascists and mother fuckers of the Republican party prefer to bankrupt the US Government and the Country and to let it sink and burn in despair and die like Les Miserables, than to share it with Democrats, and with the impartial SCOTUS and with anyone of us who do not have their skin color, or speak the only language they know and who does not agree with their tyranny at home or abroad.
I even want to pray for them so they are protected from harm, lest peradventure they become Martyrs or false Patriots whose ass and monuments people may kiss. But God told me beforehand many say ago, not to pray for these people for He will not hear me. And when that happens as with Israel and Jerusalem in the time of Jeremiah, it is because God himself intents to destroy them, deport them and scatter them away from our promised land.
I finish this ordeal by saying That Barack Obama's stolen Excellency and
Legacy is rapidly dying and fading. Even his only scam and hallmark
Obamacare will disappear or be remembered as the Real illegitimate US
President. AND IF HE IS NOT, Biden Was, pretty much anything as he did as president not truly permanent or binding. Not even one of his executive orders and the great scam, Obama care was not even signed even when he thinks he did. His woke policies of weedless are being dethroned without a bleep.
1 Obama’s presidency was qualified by God and the holy ones as one of deception and concealment, of clouds and thick darkness, of wastefulness, debauchery, death and desolation. He let the White House; the halls of congress and the nation far worse than he found it. He left it full of dog shit all over. As if only dogs and bitches had lives there and not people.
Obama even had the notorious diddy type celebrity orgies at the white house and his tit for ass overnight guests who despicably walked naked in the residential part of the mansion where like dogs they ate their own asses in the halls and ornamental consoles. Illegal things happened there even with minors of doubtful innocence. In secret and semi silent conversations they vouchsafed or divulged their hatred of The United States, for the flag, for the constitution and other national and cultural emblems. Even his secret services detail and personnel engaged in debauchery, licentiousness and shameful conduct at home and aboard.
2 After Obama The first Trump presidency had no excellency either or was taken from him when he was impeached twice and on the last days of his first presidency as a result of January 6th Rioting and tumult. Trump did not excel at anything but self love, self pride, self pity and arrogance. Then came rage, hate, espionaje, persecution, turmoil, disease, death, denigration of gender, race, religion, social class, prepotency, betrayal scandal and controversy that tarred, polluted and marred his whole presidency. It is as if it had never existed for all his achievements and legacy faded away like the stocks in a stock market or like inventory in a commercial store or super market, to be replaced by older or newer novelties. It died like a won, cashed and spent in lust lottery ticket. His MAGA was short lived, it faded and died like the American dream only to fall and jump back again another day like a dead cat bounce. The promised Trump made; he kept and may have all been fulfilled, but all were temporal and short lived like a tax return refund.
Then came Sleepy Joe, kiss the girl, The Big Guy Joe Biden. He did not or could not get any
excellency in his US presidency despite his half century of nurture and
tenure. He never worked for it or earned it. The US Presidency was
promised, stolen, given to him and it fell on his lap while he was still
sleeping, backsliding and slipping pretty much all his presidency. And he did a whole lot of smoking, I can tell you that. Like William Munny, he did not spare men, women and children or anything that walks and crawls at one time or another. Not even Old Women like Nancy Pelosi, jard or tawed or Ice cream escaped him. He rammed everything like a well fed stallion in the morning.
Joe Biden was the last puppet of the king makers and puppet masters. It was great and kudos for and to all his handlers. It was as if we had no president at for four years due to narcolepsy and absenteeism. One in the USA. The United Sates Government system works well and continued without a president by control remote better than Tesla Truck. He was not fit for president from the get go but somebody told him to run Biden run, and run he did. In remote control he did run.
The White House personnel were incredible, all of them, for they kept the country going non stop like the energized bunny. They kept things cool, as for Ice Cram, even no one believed all their lies or their White House press secretaries until almost the very end when they run out of lies and could not hide the truth any more. Biden had two great and talented and very beautiful press secretaries; yet, even then when they had run out of lies, they professionally managed the fall out and still kept transparency under wraps with thick day light curtains at noon time. We hardly even saw Biden give a press conference, scripted or not. All he could do well and with much pleasure was to sleep, wake up to suck up on suds and ice cream and take stimulants or snort them.
Joe Biden and as a great many other like father like son American of his generation hated drugs like Marijuana, Speed, Angel Dust and Cocaine, but only loved the smell of it and the money that was made and laundered.
US presidency was kind of sleepy like an insipid old VHS movie, but
never boring. There were scandals of kidnapping and sex trafficking hidden under an open border policy and illicit money exchanges at home and abroad. It kept us all following his remarks at home and abroad
with keen closed caption. For even though We the people knew Joe Biden
was of Greek and Irish stock; and his untamed ability to fuck things up,
he just was even more intriguing and confounded and complex than a box
of chocolates.
Run Biden Run!
You never knew what, when, why, if or how he would say or do something until after it had happened and, not even then for sometimes he was present, frozen like ice cream, for there were at least two of them and yet almost always he was not even there. He was even greater or bigger than the Deep State invisible Guy or even the jerking and twitching Reptilian Extra Terrestrial entities.
For Average Joe was as if always hidden in plain sight dodged by almost everybody. And every body loved him but no one; actually, even the most attentive of us paid attention or took his words at face value or without a ton of salt to what he said. Even when he Chose Truth over Facts,
Joe Biden had a lot of invisible and very patriot friends and some were even soldiers that nobody but him could see. But we all know they were inconspicuously there., for he walked with them, shook hands with "him,her,they them," and even saluted them military style.
The Highlights of the Biden Administration are vividly characterized even before he became president as Squid for Lobster and as Tits for Ass. Had he been a legit POTUS he would have broken the law. And even then he could have not have been prosecuted or condemned of anything because he was not all there, but senile and too old to stand trial. God must have loved him very much for he was half a life as senator and a vice president three times, even during his own presidency. He arrived a little too late to the stature of POTUS.
But one of Joe Biden’s great controversies and legacy besides war is that he opened wide and for a long time the floodgates and like an all inclusive Beagle and most friendly dog, he invited and allowed immigrants from all the world whether friend or foe to come to America to live and plunder at will. And his opponents hated him very much and blamed, not him, but his VP for he always had the plausible deniability card in his sleeved. But Joe Bidden was not a card player like Trump, he just crushed the lot and had many smooching and what not social interactions and relationships funny or not funny with old and young people alike...
In sum, the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world and it is not The Queen or Freddy Mercury, or any President, it is WE THE PEOPLE...TO BE CONTINUED...FOR GOD ALWAYS HAS THE LAST WORD.
God threatens the people of Nephi that he will visit them in his anger, to their utter destruction except they repent of their wickedness. God smiteth the people of Nephi with pestilence; they repent and turn unto him. Samuel, a Lamanite, prophesies unto the Nephites.
Comprising chapters 7 to 16 inclusive.CHAPTER 7
Nephi is rejected in the north and returns to Zarahemla—He prays upon his garden tower and then calls upon the people to repent or perish. About 23–21 B.C.
1 BEHOLD, now it came to pass in the sixty and ninth year of the reign of the judges over the people of the Nephites, that Nephi, the son of Helaman, returned to the land of Zarahemla from the land northward.
2 For he had been forth among the people who were in the land northward and did preach the word of God unto them, and did prophesy many things unto them;
3 And they did reject all his words, insomuch that he could not stay among them, but returned again unto the land of his nativity.
4 And seeing the people in a state of such awful wickedness, and those Gadianton robbers filling the judgment-seats—having usurped the power and authority of the land; laying aside the commandments of God, and not in the least aright before him; doing no justice unto the children of men;
5 Condemning the righteous because of their righteousness; letting the guilty and the wicked go unpunished because of their money; and moreover to be held in office at the head of government, to rule and do according to their wills, that they might get gain and glory of the world, and, moreover, that they might the more easily commit adultery, and steal, and kill, and do according to their own wills—
6 Now this great iniquity had come upon the Nephites, in the space of not many years; and when Nephi saw it, his heart was swollen with sorrow within his breast; and he did exclaim in the agony of his soul:
7 Oh, that I could have had my days in the days when my father Nephi first came out of the land of Jerusalem, that I could have joyed with him in the promised land; then were his people easy to be entreated, firm to keep the commandments of God, and slow to be led to do iniquity; and they were quick to hearken unto the words of the Lord—
8 Yea, if my days could have been in those days, then would my soul have had joy in the righteousness of my brethren.
9 But behold, I am consigned that these are my days, and that my soul shall be filled with sorrow because of this the wickedness of my brethren.
10 And behold, now it came to pass that it was upon a tower, which was in the garden of Nephi, which was by the highway which led to the chief market, which was in the city of Zarahemla; therefore, Nephi had bowed himself upon the tower which was in his garden, which tower was also near unto the garden gate by which led the highway.
11 And it came to pass that there were certain men passing by and saw Nephi as he was pouring out his soul unto God upon the tower; and they ran and told the people what they had seen, and the people came together in multitudes that they might know the cause of so great mourning for the wickedness of the people.
12 And now, when Nephi arose he beheld the multitudes of people who had gathered together.
13 And it came to pass that he opened his mouth and said unto them: Behold, why have ye gathered yourselves together? That I may tell you of your iniquities?
14 Yea, because I have got upon my tower that I might pour out my soul unto my God, because of the exceeding sorrow of my heart, which is because of your iniquities!
15 And because of my mourning and lamentation ye have gathered yourselves together, and do marvel; yea, and ye have great need to marvel; yea, ye ought to marvel because ye are given away that the devil has got so great hold upon your hearts.
16 Yea, how could you have given way to the enticing of him who is seeking to hurl away your souls down to everlasting misery and endless wo?
17 O repent ye, repent ye! Why will ye die? Turn ye, turn ye unto the Lord your God. Why has he forsaken you?
18 It is because you have hardened your hearts; yea, ye will not hearken unto the voice of the good shepherd; yea, ye have provoked him to anger against you.
19 And behold, instead of gathering you, except ye will repent, behold, he shall scatter you forth that ye shall become meat for dogs and wild beasts.
20 O, how could you have forgotten your God in the very day that he has delivered you?
21 But behold, it is to get gain, to be praised of men, yea, and that ye might get gold and silver. And ye have set your hearts upon the riches and the vain things of this world, for the which ye do murder, and plunder, and steal, and bear false witness against your neighbor, and do all manner of iniquity.
22 And for this cause woe shall come unto you except ye shall repent. For if ye will not repent, behold, this great city, and also all those great cities which are round about, which are in the land of our possession, shall be taken away that ye shall have no place in them; for behold, the Lord will not grant unto you strength, as he has hitherto done, to withstand against your enemies.
23 For behold, thus saith the Lord: I will not show unto the wicked of my strength, to one more than the other, save it be unto those who repent of their sins, and hearken unto my words. Now therefore, I would that ye should behold, my brethren, that it shall be better for the Lamanites than for you except ye shall repent.
24 For behold, they are more righteous than you, for they have not sinned against that great knowledge which ye have received; therefore the Lord will be merciful unto them; yea, he will lengthen out their days and increase their seed, even when thou shalt be utterly destroyed except thou shalt repent.
25 Yea, woe be unto you because of that great abomination which has come among you; and ye have united yourselves unto it, yea, to that secret band which was established by Gadianton!
26 Yea, woe shall come unto you because of that pride which ye have suffered to enter your hearts, which has lifted you up beyond that which is good because of your exceedingly great riches!
27 Yea, woe be unto you because of your wickedness and abominations!
28 And except ye repent ye shall perish; yea, even your lands shall be taken from you, and ye shall be destroyed from off the face of the earth.
29 Behold now, I do not say that these things shall be, of myself, because it is not of myself that I know these things; but behold, I know that these things are true because the Lord God has made them known unto me, therefore I testify that they shall be.
(Book of Mormon | Helaman 7:Heading - 29)
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